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Puzzle 1 - Hint 1To solve this puzzle you need the ticket, the curtain (without moving it) and the front and side faces of the theatre.
Puzzle 1 - Hint 2These are the parts of the theater you need. Observe the stars on the curtain and the way they are colored. Maybe you can reproduce these shapes using the ticket and the theater.
Puzzle 1 - Hint 3When you put the tickets to form each pair of stars you can see the shape of a number. Four of the digits will be revealed this way. The last one uses only the ticket.
Puzzle 1 - Hint 4First digit is 5 as shown in the picture.
Puzzle 1 - SolutionSolution: The code is “"53935"”.
Puzzle 2 - Hint 1To solve this puzzle you need the interior of the theater, the four cubes and the mini figure of Marcus.
Puzzle 2 - Hint 2Set the cube in the starting position so they validate the both affirmations. (The four keys and the four colours). Once you are in the start position you need to rotate each cube as many times as indicated on the instructions. Your goal is to find three keys (three coordinates – each coordinate is made from a geometrical figure and a number of lines).
Puzzle 2 - Hint 3The first key is this one below. Put the figure on this specific spot and pay attention to his left hand, more specifically to the sword in the left hand. Based on the red text in the background (”The keys are the coordinates to position Marcus. Each key will provide two letters indicated by the tips of the swords.”) you get two letters pointed by the swords.
Puzzle 2 - Hint 4The first two letters are ”L” and ”O”. Two more keys left (Four letters left).
Puzzle 2 - Hint 5The second key is illustrated below. You get letters ”N” and ”E”.
Puzzle 2 - SolutionThe third key is. You get the last two letters ”L” and ”Y”. You discovered the word ”LONELY”.
Puzzle 3 - Hint 1To solve this puzzle you need to use the stage of the theater, the back of the envelope, the seven circus figures, the curtain, the back and the sides of the theater and also the wooden plank.
Puzzle 3 - Hint 2Put the wooden plank on its right place on the back of the theater. It will complete the maze. Now it is time to solve it and find the order of the acts on stage.
Puzzle 3 - Hint 3The first act is the Buffalo, moreover, his left hand. Put it in the right place on the stage (The symbol and the red square should guide you). You can see that the arrow in his left hand points to a symbol. Try to decode it using the back of the envelope.
Puzzle 3 - Hint 4These are the illustrated steps you need to follow to find the first letter.
Puzzle 3 - Hint 5The second act is the Tiger, it will lead you to letter ”I”.
Puzzle 3 - Hint 6The order of all the acts are: The Buffalo (Left hand), The Tiger, The Buffalo again (Right hand this time), The Strong Man, The Acrobat and The Circle Dancer.
Puzzle 3 - SolutionYou get the letters ”K”,”I”, ”M”, ”B”, ”R”, ”A” in this order. The answer to the third puzzle is ”Kimbra”.
Puzzle 4 - Hint 1You need five letters as the solution for this puzzle. You need the grid paper with symbols on it, the three cubes and also the poster.
Puzzle 4 - Hint 2The second letter of the word is hidden on the stage. But what are you supposed to do to find the other four? Maybe the papers in the woman’s hands might be helpful.
Puzzle 4 - Hint 3You can see that the symbol on the cubes complete the ones on the grid paper so that you know how to position the cubes on it in a specific position.
Puzzle 4 - Hint 4To find the first letter you need these symbols. Try to recreate them using both cubes and the grid paper just like in the pictures.
Puzzle 4 - Hint 5After putting the cubes in the right place, set it as the ”front” text is facing you. Now, try to change the perspective and look from above. You will distinguish the shape of a letter.
Puzzle 4 - Hint 6The first letter is ”C”. Now, do the same for the three left letters.
Puzzle 4 - SolutionSolution: You get the letters ”C”,”R”,”U”,”S”,”H”. The solution is ”Crush”.
Puzzle 5 - Hint 1To solve this puzzle you need the musical sheet, the back of the envelope and the stage of the theater. You need to fill in the missing words in the riddle written on the back of the envelope. Solve the riddle and you get the solution.
Puzzle 5 - Hint 2Use the musical sheet to decode each of the musical note written on the stage. Each of the note belongs to a word.
Puzzle 5 - Hint 3These are the illustrated steps to find the first word.
Puzzle 5 - Hint 4You get the words:”Stolen”,”Loved”,”Kindly”,”Lost”,”Dejected” and ”Blindly”. It is time to place them in the riddle.
Puzzle 5 - Hint 5The Riddle says: ”I am stolen by the one most loved, and biggest when you’re kindly. I am lost when you’re dejected and often followed blindly.” What am I?
Puzzle 5 - SolutionThe answer to the riddle is ”Heart”.
Puzzle 6 - Hint 1You need the back of the theater, the letter, the strange item and also the origami instructions. Read the letter, first.
Puzzle 6 - Hint 2You can see that the letter completes with the torn paper in the back of the theater. There are some hidden words and a digit next to them.
Puzzle 6 - Hint 3Assemble the ring as shown in the instructions. You can also see the process in these pictures.
Puzzle 6 - Hint 4Each of the letter engraved inside the ring matches with the symbol outside of it. (For example, the shape of the square matches with letter ”K”.)
Puzzle 6 - Hint 5There are some coloured characters on the goodbye letters. What could they lead to? The first word to find is ”BOTH”. It can be formed using the red letters. Do not forget to also connect the last letter with the first one after spelling the word. Is there a shape you get?
Puzzle 6 - Hint 6You get the shape of a square. According to Hint 4, using the ring we can see that the square matches with letter ”K”. The first letter of the solution is ”K”.
Puzzle 6 - HInt 7These are the shapes and the order you find them on the letter. Use the ring to decode each digit.
Puzzle 6 - SolutionYou get the word ”Kidnap”.
Puzzle 7 - Hint 1To solve this puzzle you need the steps paper, the suitcase with folded lines, the red curtain and also the upper part of the theater. You are not allowed to peek behind the red curtain for the moment. Also, make sure to cut out the circle in the middle of the suitcase, it is essential.
Puzzle 7 - Hint 2The stamps on the upper part of the theater matches with the ones on the suitcase and the ones on the steps paper. How could they be connected?
Puzzle 7 - Hint 3Put the suitcase on the steps paper so that it matches a pair of the same type of stamp, step-by-step. The theater shows you the order of the stamps and a direction. What could this direction be used for?
Puzzle 7 - Hint 4When put in the right spot, the suitcase shows you a specific numbers of steps (inside the middle circle). The first position shows two steps as shown in the picture below. Try to look perpendicular on the paper from above.
Puzzle 7 - Hint 5The order of the number of steps found after positioning all the stamps are 2, 3, 2, 1, 3.
Puzzle 7 - Hint 6Using these numbers of steps and the directions for each one, you can find the solution to this puzzle, using the red curtain. From the starting point go two steps down, then, three steps right and so on.
Puzzle 7 - SolutionYou get the word ”Freak”.
Puzzle 8 - Hint 1You need the three metallic items, the three pieces of paper, and the colored bars to solve this puzzle. Make sure you folded out the red lines on the metallic items. You need a three-digit code as the answer to this puzzle.
Puzzle 8 - Hint 2The three pieces of paper are the instructions to be followed. Take the ”first digit” paper. Put the metallic items on the bar according to the instructions. Click on the next hint to see the first position of the items.
Puzzle 8 - Hint 3Put I and II first according to the instructions. Then, based on the colors shown by the first two items, you can also put the third element. (Make sure it matches the indicated colors). You find that the first digit is 5. Do the same for the next two digits.
Puzzle 8 - SolutionThe final code is ”534”.
Puzzle 9 - Hint 1To solve this puzzle you need more elements from the past. (The musical sheet, the origami ring, the stage interior of the second puzzle, the magical cubes, the riddle written on the envelope, one metallic item, and the bars.
Puzzle 9 - Part 1 - Hint 2You need to find five geometrical figures first. Fold the music sheet and find that musical note on it. It will lead you to a four-letter word: ”KING”.
Puzzle 9 - Part 1 - Hint 3Using the origami ring the opposite way you can turn letters into figures. You get the symbols below.
Puzzle 9 - Part 2 - Hint 4The first digit uses all three magical cubes and the grid paper. Put the cubes in the right spots and watch the paper from above. You get the shape of the number 4. The second digit is the same as the last one.
Puzzle 9 - Part 2 - Hint 5The third digit can be found in the riddle and it is the actual word ”LOST” and it matches number 4.
Puzzle 9 - Part 2 - Hint 6The fourth digit uses the metallic item. Put it on the exact spot on the metallic bar and it will indicate the number 1. (It is also the second digit – see Hint 4).
Puzzle 9 - Hint 7Combining the figures and the digits in the right order (also check the roman numbers on the pipes as they change the actual order of the symbols and digits from 4 to 1 – up to down) will lead you to find four keys. Use the floor of the stage used in the second puzzle and you shall discover a letter for each key. You don’t need to use Marcus' figure anymore, just take the letter indicated by the coordinates.
Puzzle 9 - SolutionYou find the letters B, O, M, and B. The solution is ”bomb”.
Puzzle 10 - Hint 1To solve this puzzle you need the bomb, the back of the theater, the blue metallic object, the Morse code, the strange piece of paper, and ... ? You need to solve three puzzles to deactivate the bomb (♣, ♠, You can solve the puzzles in any order you want. Each of the puzzles gives you a three-digit code.
Puzzle ♣ - Hint 1You need the bomb and the Morse code to solve this puzzle. This puzzle is linked to the symbol of the ear.
Puzzle ♣ - Hint 2Scan the QR code on the bomb. It will lead you to a video. Listen carefully to it. (In case you are having difficulties scanning the QR code here is the link for the video
Puzzle ♣ - Hint 3Use Morse to decode the sounds. Remember, you need three digits!
Puzzle ♣ - SolutionYou get the code ”384”.
Puzzle ♠ - Hint 1You need the big envelopes used in the game, the strange piece of paper, the back of the theater, and also the metallic item.
Puzzle ♠ - Hint 2Attach the metallic item to the back of the theater. Now, you can associate each colored circle with a number. Decode all of them and try to position them using a strange piece of paper.
Puzzle ♠ - Hint 3Overlap the envelopes so the halves of the circles from the specific symbols. Here is a photo to help you more.
Puzzle ♠ - SolutionThe code is ”263”.
Puzzle ♦ - Hint 1Use the video and the two decoding disks for this puzzle. You might also need an additional item already used in the past.
Puzzle ♦ - Hint 2You might also have to use the symbols on the back of the envelope of Puzzle 3. Watch the video closely again. Are those symbols on the mask?
Puzzle ♦ - Hint 3Here are the symbols on the mask. Use Puzzle 3’s envelope to reveal each secret word behind them. (In the video they are mirrored.)
Puzzle ♦ - Hint 4You get the words “first”, “last” and “second”. Each of these words represents the order of the digits pointed by the smaller disk. Set the small disk on the big one using the circle symbols to correctly position it. (The blue circles).
Puzzle ♦ - SolutionThe code is “322”.
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